Welcome to our services page at Make Change BWCB.

Discover our inclusive and adaptive sports/ activities

to support the needs of individuals

and the community.

Wheelchair basketball 

We continue to promote inclusion and diversity .through Wheelchair Basketball,  with our Make Change staff who have a lived experience of playing wheelchair basketball and other sports We deliver.


Our Inclusive wheelchair basketball sessions provide a safe and supportive environment for  all abilities..

Providing an amazing experience for all.

Breaking down barriers to physical activity and increasing participation.

  • Welcoming and fun.
  • Accessible to everyone
  • Improving skills and confidence and self esteem.

Wheelchair American football 

Experience a new Wheelchair Sport designed to cater to varying skill levels and inspire,  creating pathways to a new league in the future.

  • Caters to varying skill levels
  • Adaptable to physical requirements
  • Promotes fitness and well-being

Inclusive sports hubs 

We pride ourselves on our adaptability and commitment to excellence in every aspect of our service. Explore what we have to offer and how we can contribute to your success.

Our inclusive sports hub provide opportunities for groups, individuals and the community to play sport, get active and inspire.

From soft archery to inclusive Squash,  to cricket , dancing and lego therapy we have the ability to support and deliver in the community to highlight the importance of inclusive/adaptive sport for everyone and the need to access on a regular basis. 

“I have never felt more included and supported in a sports program. Make Change BWCB truly lives up to its name.”

Forward services adult care group.